The Ultimate Dramatic Scream Supercut

I’ve seen supercuts circulate on the Internet before (such as the famous No compilation) so I decided to try my hand at this assignment by creating a similar one that focused on emotional screaming.  In constructing this, I noticed a particular pattern.  Most of the screams are silent, or at least have subdued music/noise in the background.  In addition, many have a slow-motion quality to them that heightens the moment.  The footage I grabbed (using File2HD again) included Furiosa in Mad Max: Fury Road, Eomer in The Lord of the Rings, V in V for Vendetta, Wolverine in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Harry in Harry Potter, Frodo in The Lord of the Rings, Ruth in Fried Green Tomatoes, Deadpool in Deadpool, Superman in Man of Steel, Bruce Wayne in Batman v Superman, Thor in Thor, and Westley in The Princess Bride (which I already had a copy of on my computer).

I moved back to my usual video-editing software, CyberLink PowerDirector, to stitch the footage together.


The result was a nice collection of screaming.  I especially enjoyed ending with the prolonged Sound of Ultimate Suffering from The Princess Bride.  This was another great exercise for looking at commonality and tropes throughout film.