This was a fun assignment that allowed us to try and creatively sell ds106 radio. I actually began by creating the concluding fun tagline for the show, making my final decision by choosing a phrase that rhymed with “six”. I then created the introduction with the station description, trying to keep the line short and sweet. After writing out the two sections I recorded the statement on Audacity, keeping in mind the importance of trying to sound normal (rather than stretching to mimic some sort of fictitious “radio voice”). Finally, I visited to look for suitable background music, ultimately choosing a piece that was very close in length to my piece of verbal dialogue. I then created a new stereo track and copied this music piece into Audacity to allow the piece to play concurrently with the dialogue. I played around with the audio levels to make sure that the music did not drown out my narration. Once I was satisfied, the final exported result was this lovely advertisement.
Your bumper was awesome! Nice music in the background and awesome choice of words!