The radio show project went well and seemed to be relatively painless. Our group met in person for the first time Monday morning. During that meeting we finalized our show format and divided work assignments. Essentially we decided to fully flesh out four events that recently went viral, and each of us would become experts on one of these topics. Then during the show, we would present our information to the group, leading to a full discussion of each story. We agreed to meet Tuesday afternoon in the HCC to try recording our show.
We successfully reserved the recording studio for Tuesday, and, while we ultimately did not use any of the fancy equipment, we took advantage of the quiet space. During this meeting we discussed the details of the project (for instance deciding that we would have one main host in charge of transitioning us from topic to topic). After these final decisions were made, we launched into recording our show on Audacity. The process was relatively smooth, and we successfully saved our initial footage.
We then met up Wednesday morning to go through our footage together to edit out extraneous bits, obvious pieces of outside noise, and areas where we broke off of the show to plan ahead for the next section. I kept the file and attempted to upload the audacity project to google drive to allow for easier group editing, but this resulted in coded gibberish. So instead, I did another run through of editing (tightening up distracting pauses, etc.) and placed some of our initial bumpers into the piece. We then decided to meet up Friday morning for final editing. During this meeting we inserted our commercial segment, played around with volume levels, and posted the result to soundcloud. The final product is below!