Week 1 Summary

I was very lucky in that I already had my domain set-up, which made preparing a site for ds106 much easier.  I will say I wasn’t entirely sure whether to consider my digital studies blog a fully devoted ds106 blog or not, but was able to successfully link to the ds106 course feed (which is what matters!).  I enjoyed setting up some new social media accounts, and was particularly impressed by how smart Twitter was.  As I was choosing accounts to follow, Twitter immediately began suggesting sites related to interests I’m particularly passionate about.  While I found this exceedingly cool, perhaps I should be a bit more perturbed that Twitter seems to have access to my Internet searches…

I really enjoyed the introductions!  It was a quick way to experiment some with all of these different platforms.  I also thought Austin Kleon’s post was pretty thought-provoking.  I believe the Internet has evolved to a point where creator-fan interactions are increasingly being facilitated, and this ultimately should be embraced and leveraged by the creator.  On a technical note, my usage of hypothesis went well.  I’m a little undecided as to whether I should just annotate or also highlight (I ultimately decided the more the merrier).  All of the tagging also took a little bit of getting used to, but was ultimately successful.  In regards to our Internet post, I appreciated its philosophical nature.  The Internet has profound implications, but we often overlook these due to its omnipresence in our everyday lives.  I also welcomed the opportunity to pick and choose an article that particularly interested us.  Generally I feel that more options makes assignments more easily embraced as opposed to being viewed as a chore.

Overall it seems pretty clear that working on these assignments in small doses over the course of the week is key!  ds106 seems like it will require a lot of effort, but luckily many of the topics seem to be ones I’m passionate about (so hopefully I won’t really view those assignments as work).

Below are my media creations for the week!


ds106 Introduction


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