Executive Summary: I am proposing a video-based project where I create a short film created from footage shot and edited by myself. This will require video-editing, audio-editing, and filming skills, with the audio component (and any image-related editing), having the potential to be the most challenging. The content of the film itself will most likely revolve around the DKC, with shooting taking place largely in October and editing taking place largely in November. This video should be evaluated based on both quality and evidence of effort.
Rationale: The purpose of this project would be to elevate my video-editing skills to a more professional level. To accomplish this, I would create a video using Adobe Premiere and potentially Photoshop. The footage used would be footage shot by me, as opposed to existing footage. I have lots of experience creating fanmade and mashup movie trailers, but not much experience in shooting my own footage. This experience would potentially prepare me for an internship I’ve applied for in the spring with a short film/documentary company. I would be gaining some practical experience both with shooting footage and editing it. The theme of the video may be a sort of “A Day in the Life of the DKC”, which will hopefully be released on YouTube.
Risks and Rewards: I think the biggest challenge with this project will be the audio component. With existing footage the audio is usually already clear and set, so I may have to experiment with different pieces of equipment to ensure that any audio I collect is clear. Additionally if I choose to edit my footage visually, I will need to incorporate Photoshop and enhance my image-editing skills. Since I don’t have a ton of Photoshop experience, this may be a challenge. If the project is successful, it could serve as a sort of bonding video for the DKC, and potentially as a sort of advertisement.
Resources: To complete this project I will need video-editing, audio-editing, photo-editing, and filming/recording skills. Needed software will include Adobe Premiere and potentially Photoshop. I may also need to check out camera equipment from the HCC front desk.
Schedule: Ideally by November 8th I will have completed all filming. This will give me about three weeks to work on editing, leading to a completed project by December 1st.
Assessment: The final product should be evaluated based on quality and evidence of effort. My hope is to make a professional-looking final product that shows quality in both the shots themselves and the subsequent editing. There should be a variety of visually-appealing shots, a coherent storyline, and good transitions/flow.